Responsible Production

We aim to create value with more durable, longer-lasting products in both our yarn production and denim and non-denim production, and we believe that we can shape the future with a stronger and holistic approach with this strategy.



Cultural Transformation

With a fair, transparent and flexible leadership model, we appreciate taking responsibility, courage and perseverance until we get results, and we adopt a rewarded climate.



Energy and Resource Management

We continue to invest in renewable energy sources for practices that will reduce our carbon footprint in order to prevent global risks related to climate change. We will increase the share of our pioneering "waterless dyeing" technology, which we apply in our Indigo facilities and inspires the entire textile ecosystem, in total production. We continue to make innovations to ensure responsible consumption of water used within the scope of our activities and to reduce water use. Goal is zero carbon. We produce 175,000 Mwh/year of electricity with solar energy



Social Benefit

We care about providing social and cultural benefits as well as economic benefits to the society we live in.
We strive to be a role model with the social responsibility projects we carry out in the fields of education and health.

